Hi, I'm independent real estate broker Lynn Knapik and I welcome you to the inaugural blog posting of
As I'm sure you know, San Antonio is one of the most beautiful cities in Texas, the good ole' USA, and the whole world. It's a city of blended cultures,
Military City USA, and a wonderful city to live, work and play.
The goal of my blog will be to give you my view of what's happening here from the viewpoint of a transplanted San Antonian who has chosen San Antonio as the place to raise my children (hurray they're both grown!),build my business and enjoy my life. As an independent real estate broker (Lynn Knapik Real Estate LLC) I want to share my insight into our local real estate market. Since all real estate is really local, this will be place to come to keep up with the latest information whether local, statewide or national where real estate is concerned. Downtown living will be a special focus.
But we'll have some fun here too. On Fridays I'll be clueing you in on some fun happenings for the weekend. It's been said that a fiesta can break out in San Antonio at the drop of a hat and I'll be looking for those lesser publicized events to tell you about. As a matter of fact, if you know of something coming up please let me know so that I can include it in
Like to dance? I love dancing and I'm always looking for new places for my favorite styles - namely Jitterbug (or East Coast Swing, Jive as they call it on Dancing with the Stars, or whatever you want to call it - it's all Jitterbug to me!) and now Salsa dancing. I took a Salsa Boot Camp at
Semeneya Ballroom a couple months ago and I'm hooked. I'll be telling you about a fun dance venue each week but I need your help in finding them too. Any style, any part of town, live music or DJ - I don't care. If there's dancing there, let's talk about it.
My goal is to post something interesting at least three times a week if not more. So come back often and subscribe if you want! I look forward to meeting you along the way - maybe on the dance floor!
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